This news came to light at the same time of the new Tesla battery. According to The Wall Street Journal, more than a thousand workers would be working under the utmost discretion in Titan, the iCar of the Californian company which, according to the rumors surrounding Apple, would be a minivan with 100% electric propulsion and will incorporate iOS system.
Apple knows how to reinvent the industry. It did it with the music and telephony. However there are many projects have also been omitted, which means that if Apple is investigating the possibility of building a vehicle, it does not mean that it ultimately succeed. As usual in this type of companies, Apple has neither denied nor confirmed the news, so we have to wait for now, a few years at least.
Car manufacturers are worried about it and traditional industry wonders how will be the cars of tomorrow. They have been working on refining the combustion engine while other companies may be setting the course and directing its efforts to include high technology and electric propulsion in vehicles.
What is clear is that something is changing. Electrical systems, both for implementing them in vehicles and energy supply autonomously in housing is something that is making great strides, moving away from conventional energy sources and making room for renewable energy such as solar photovoltaic, among others, which they end up finding their rightful place in our society.
Sources: El confidencial, El Mundo, La Vanguardia, Invertia.